To change the appearance of the page, edit the styles of the corresponding elements (in most cases by using the "Main Frame" Style Zone).  
To change the menu’s links: edit, copy-paste, or delete the Link Elements within. 
To hide an element without deleting it, use its property Visible.
To "activate" displaying of an arrow, use its property "Visible"

DMCLogger allows you to record your underground visits in a shared database shared by your entire team.

  •  Customizable reports 
  •  Support custom coordinates 
  •  Export of data in CSV format 
  •  Works both online and offline
  • Seller Dominic Morin 
  • Size 121.6 MB 
  • Category Productivity  
  • Languages  English 
  • Age Rating 4+ 
  • Copyright © 2019 Dominic Morin 
  • Price Free
 DMCLogger allows you to record your underground visits in a shared database shared by your entire team. 

 You will be able to view, store, print reports of these visits in a common and customizable format. The application will work online and / or offline without problems, allowing you to use it even if there is no connectivity available. This will update the information collected once reconnected to the network. 

 All visit reports are customizable and offer a variety of different controls such as: Text Field, Text Box, Checkbox, List, Management Images and many more will be added with the time and needs of users. 

 The displayed maps are also customizable. They can use an unusual coordinate system, a "North", not really North "North of mine" without problem. 

 All recorded information can be extracted in CSV format and subsequently imported into a 3D model with the application of your choice.

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